Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Saturday was so beautiful! We lucked out because we were having professional pictures taken down at Redondo Beach. It was so beautiful. I haven't seen the pictures yet, but I hope they turned out good. We were so busy getting our pictures taken I didn't have much time to take any of my own pictures of Owen. It was his first time at the beach and he loved it. There was tons of stuff to pick up and touch and put in his mouth...YUMMY!

The only picture I took at the beach. I can't wait to go back and have a whole day of fun with him.
After we were done with pictures at the house we spent some time out on the deck since it was so nice out. Owen loved trying to poke things through the slats in the deck.
Our deck is nice, but we still have to watch Owen like a hawk because the railings are too far apart from each other and he could totally fall through. Just another thing to add to Michael's 'To Do List' this year. Poor guy!!
While we were out there Owen learned how to go up and down the little step on the way in the house. He just kept doing it over and over again practicing.
MMM...those peanut butter crackers are the best!!!

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