Saturday, April 26, 2008


Yesterday after Owen's nap I put him down and said, "Let's go downstairs." He's knows to go right over to the stairs and turn around and slide down feet first. I followed him over and he was just turning himself around and I was just about to get behind him and he slipped! He ended up falling down all 13 stairs! It was the most awful sight I've ever seen. He fell down laying parallel to the stairs which I think is a good thing. I don't think I'll ever get the look on his sweet face out of my mind. I just remember screaming, "Oh God!" over and over as I ran down the stairs after him. When he hit the bottom I scooped him up and he was screaming and I kept thinking screaming is a good thing. I held him so tight forever and then finally decided I should check him out. Surprisingly he didn't really have a scratch on him and keeping true to his tough guy self he was done crying after 2 minutes.

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