Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July

We spent this last weekend at my parents house. It was so nice hanging out with them for more than just a couple of hours. The boys and I went down on Thursday morning to help my mom get ready for the BBQ that they were having at their house since she's still recovering from surgery. Michael came down after work and we all spent the night. The next day a bunch of friends and family came over to celebrate. My mom and dad live in a newer neighborhood and there are a bunch of families with young kids. They all congregate on their street to shoot of their fireworks. It was like being in downtown Seattle for the professional fireworks shows, but we didn't have to pay to park or deal with the crowds. The next two days Michael spent painting their house and the boys and I hung out with mom and dad. It was a lot of fun and a nice vacation from our everyday lives. I was happy to be home and sleep in my own bed and not have a noisy one month old sleeping right next to me. Jack is so noisy when he sleeps!!!
While we were there Jack got totally spoiled with being held to go to sleep. Since we've been home he has very rarely slept by himself unless he's on his tummy in his crib. Thanks Ga-Ga & Pa!!! ;)

I took this picture for perspective so we can look back at it and remember how tiny he was!

Owen has his own seat to swing in on the swing set, but Daddy just thought he would see if Owen would swing like this. He loved it. He just laid his head on his chest for the longest time. The next day I tried it and he did the same thing.

Hey there!!!

Happy Jack!!!

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