Sunday, July 13, 2008

Similarities & Differences

Owen at 3 months
Jack at 1 month

It's so hard not to compare your second child to your first. Not that it's a bad thing to compare, but I am trying really hard to remember that Jack is NOT Owen he is Jack and there are going to be difference between them. So I started a list of similarities and differences for fun...

Born with blue eyes.
Born with very little hair on their heads.
Fair skinned
Get choked up when they nurse.
Will not let go of their burps.
Stubborn (I wonder where they get this from??)

Weight (Jack is much bigger than Owen was at this age)
Sleeping style (Owen had to be swaddle and slept on his back, Jack doesn't like to be swaddle and he sleeps on his tummy)
Schedule (Owen thrived on a schedule and was a text book Baby Wise baby, Jack has a nighttime schedule, but during the day he's a fly by the seat of his pants kind of guy)

I thought of a million of them the other day, but of course my mommy brain strikes again so I'm completely in a fog. If I think of more later I'll add them.

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