Monday, August 11, 2008

Boatloads of Fun

Last week I needed to run some errands and it included going to the mall. After I was done shopping I let Owen play on the boat for the first time. I've never let him play on it until now because he's still so little and it would be quite a long fall if he fell from the top. He still wasn't feeling 100% better from the stomach thing he had, but he still enjoyed himself. Of course in the end he just wanted to push the stroller around and when it was time to leave he started making a scene. Oh the life of a toddler!

He wiped out here at the bottom of the stairs. What kind of mother am I instead of rushing to his aid I take a picture of his fall?? At least the carpet is cushy!

This was the very next day when I went back to the mall with Daddy this time. Owen remembered falling the day before so when he got to the top of the boat he wouldn't come down.

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