Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Owen has turned into such a little mimicker. Not really with his vocabulary yet, but with his action. He's has to do so many things just the way we do them. For instance if we are dipping food into something he has to dip it too. He LOVES ketchup and the other day he actually ate chips and salsa because we were. Yesterday morning he was having yogurt and buttered toast and I was having Cream of Wheat and buttered toast. I use my spoon and put the Cream of Wheat on the toast and then eat the toast. He saw me doing this so he started using his spoon to put yogurt on his toast and then eat it. Totally adorable!!!

A few weeks back when we spent the night at my parents house he was playing with the Q-Tip dispenser and then I noticed he was actually using the Q-Tips just like we do. I took Owen downstairs so I could show everyone and then I grabbed my camera and started snapping pictures. I got this really good one of him and then I got another blackmail picture!

That look on his face is totally priceless! Michael and I laughed so hard! He just cracks me up!

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