Monday, August 4, 2008

Ocean Shores

On Tuesday the family had another full day in Seattle, but I opted to keep the boys home. Owen only had about a 20 minute nap on Monday when we were out and about so I wanted him to have a down day to rest. They went to the Aquarium, Pike Place Market, on an Argosy Cruise and a Ferry. Another VERY busy day!

On Wednesday we left for a couple days at the ocean. Surprisingly it was beautiful when we got there. Too bad that didn't last the whole trip. The first place we stopped was of course the ocean. Owen and Daddy had fun running away from the waves. We were really hungry so we left to get lunch. The rest of the day was filled with going to the little shops in town.

The next day was gray and yucky out. Jack kept me up most of the night so I was in a pretty sour mood all day. Exhaustion brings out the worst in me! We did drive over to Westport for dinner and that was nice. Except the ride back was filled with tears from everyone...except Michael. Poor guy!

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