Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Watching Grass Grow

A few weeks back with the help of my brother Ryan we thatched and aerated the lawn. After that Michael laid down new top soil and grass seed. We had been waiting to see new grass for about a week and Michael was getting a little worried that it wasn't going to take. Then we went to the ocean and came back to this...

Everyday the grass is getting longer and longer. I can't wait until it's really established so Owen can play in the yard again.

Not everything with the yard has been a success though. We tried to transplant this azalea because it was too close to the fence. Oops!!!

I do have tomatoes and zucchini growing though. I'm so excited!!! The last time I tried to grow zucchini the bees just wouldn't pollinate it so I didn't get any. Weird!!

1 comment:

  1. Go grass go! Woo hoo, look at it go!

    Are we going to be updated as this story develops?
