Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Day!

My Dad just emailed me these pictures tonight. They were taken the same night that my Grandpa had his stroke...September 30th. It seems like forever ago already. That day it was really warm (as you can see Owen and Jack are in shorts). It's weird to think that at almost the same time we were having fun at Ga-Ga & Pa's, a few miles away Peepaw was having a stroke and all of our lives were about to change drastically. It's like thinking about the day before September 11th before everything got tainted.

Owen just loves playing in his sandbox with Pa!

This is the first time I took Jack out to the sandbox. Notice what Owen is doing...he SO does not like sharing HIS stuff with Jack!!!

Love those sandy feet!!!

Owen is playing with the radio knobs (wheels) that Pa added to the truck. What a look he has on his face!!!

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