Monday, October 13, 2008

Music to my ears!

Yesterday morning I went upstairs to get Jack since he had woke up. As I was coming downstairs I said, "Owen guess who's awake?" He didn't answer so Michael said, "Owen who's is that?" And in the sweetest voice EVER he said......"Mama!"

Needless to say I cried!

Owen has been saying Daddy or Dada for a long time now, but he just wouldn't say Mama. He would babble sometimes and say Mamamamamamama, but never just Mama. I love that little guy!!!

Oh and just for fun here's a picture of Owen signing please.


  1. AWWW that is just so sweet!!!!! Now you can totally feel more connected because he knows you by name and can call you by name:) How awesome! Please is so cute too!!!

  2. Doesn't it just make all the hard work worth it?! There's nothing like it in all the world : )
