Monday, October 27, 2008

Out for a stroll

The weather has been so nice lately I've really wanted to take advantage of it before the rain comes. Last week after the boys had their naps we got all ready and headed outside for a walk. Since Jack has really good head control now I was able to carry him facing out in the Moby Wrap for the first time.

This was also the first time I actually used Owen's puppy on his back leach thingy. I hate calling it a leach, but that's basically what it is. I remember thinking parents were evil to use these, but it's really for their own safety. Anyway Owen doesn't like to wear the puppy on his back so I put it on his front so he looked like he wearing his puppy like I'm wearing Jack. Too cute!

1 comment:

  1. I like the puppy on the leash though. It looks less levil than just a plain old leash. This looks more politically correct! :)
