Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

We spent Halloween with my parents this year. The new neighborhood they moved to is filled with kids so it was a lot of fun. My parent have always loved seeing the kids in their cute costumes and they definitely got more trick or treater's at their new house than they did at their old house . At first I wasn't even going to dress up the boys because we already had Halloween pajamas for them. I wasn't sure that Owen would even enjoy or understand the whole concept of trick or treating. But when I saw the monkey and bumble bee costumes at Walmart I just had to get them.

Owen's costume is a size 6 - 12 months and it fit him perfectly (He's 21 months old)...except the hat was a little tight. Owen gets annoyed with hats pretty easily though. Once we got outside he forgot about the hat and didn't try ripping it off anymore.

Owen walked to the first house, but after that Michael had to carry him. We went to about 7 house and then came back to my mom & dad's house.

The weather was so awesome for Halloween. Since my parents house is nestled in between two rivers the fog came into the neighborhood from the river and made it look all creepy. Plus it didn't rain a drop while we were out there and there was zero wind. It was a perfect night to be outside. Since it was so nice we just hung out on the porch waiting for the trick or treaters to come. Mom had candy packed in baggies for the kids so it was easy to hand out. We had well over a hundred kids come. Since we were out there Owen got to see the other kids and observe what they were doing. After he saw that he decided he should take off and try this whole trick or treating thing again. Michael decided to just follow him and see what he did. Owen walked out to the sidewalk and just kept going. He walked to the street behind my mom and dad's house all by himself. He walked right up to the first door and waited. Of course Michael was right behind him, but it was just amazing to me that he wasn't scared. After Michael and Owen were gone for a while I decided to call and see where they were. Michael had left the house without the candy bucket so I went to find them. While we were gone my mom and dad watched Jack for us.

What a cute little bumble bee!!!

When I caught up to Michael and Owen this is what I found. He was so cute and brave. I couldn't believe that he walked all by himself to the street behind my mom and dad's. The road is REALLY dark on the side of the house. When I was walking it to catch up to them I was actually RUNNING not walking and I was clutching my cell phone. SCARY!!! Anyways Owen did so great. I think he went to 20 house or so and he really enjoyed it. We kept asking him to say trick or treat and he did say it one time. He also got to see some dogs while we were out and he almost kissed one. After we were done of course he got to eat candy and stay up late. It was the best Halloween I've had in a long time. It's so much fun to see things new through your kids eyes. I did get a little sad though because he was being so independent and I know it's only the beginning!


  1. Looks like you had a GREAT time. Your boys are beautiful. I just found your comment on my blog and wanted to apologize for not responding sooner. Congrats to you on both of your boys!! We are hoping to add to our family again soon, but we are hoping it happens without IVF. I am now a happy follower to your blog and we will definitely have to stay in touch!!

  2. What a brave soul!!! Owen is amazing!

  3. I just noticed the little monkey feet on Owen's costume. How cute!!!
