Monday, November 17, 2008

Not Me Monday!

If you'd like to join in the fun check out MckMama's blog.

This week I did not have to steal a half a cup of milk from Owen's sippy cup in order finish making a pasta dish for dinner. I would never be that low on milk that I would have to do that to my son...nope, not me!

One morning this last week I did not just finish feeding my 5 month old just to have him puke all over our clean sheets. I definitely did not forget about said puke until bedtime and then sniff my sheets and think they don't smell bad there fine and sleep on puked on sheets...nope not me that would be disgusting!

While making baby food with a friend this week I did not move things off the counter top in order to have room and then realize a few seconds later that I set my plastic cutting board on the burner that was on melting the corner of it....not me I'm so focused I would never do that!

In order to get more sleep I did not move the boys' rooms around so my 5 month old would be farther away from me. That way when he wakes up at 3:30 in the morning I won't hear the conversations he has to himself in his crib...I would never do that I'm not sleep deprived!

Last but not least I did not open one of my son's tootsie roll candies from Halloween only to discover teeth marks on it and then shrug and still eat it...I would never eat my sons candy!!


  1. Love your Not Me's! Especially the puke on the sheets coment- I did NOT basically do the same thing this week!!

  2. I am sorry that I didn't just fall out of my chair LOL when I read

    "This week I did not have to steal a half a cup of milk from Owen's sippy cup in order finish making a pasta dish for dinner. I would never be that low on milk that I would have to do that to my son...nope, not me!"

  3. i have never ever done any of those things. especially the puke on the sheets!

  4. The puke on the sheets is priceless. Too funny...

  5. I can relate to the milk in the sippy cup. I will let my 5 and 3 year old have apple juice for breakfast so I can have the rest of the milk for my coffee. At least the 1 year old has her own milk (she's on whole and the other two are on 2%)so I haven't had to swipe from her yet :) Sheets, yeah, been there too! I guess once you've become a mom, nothing is too gross anymore :)
