Sunday, November 30, 2008

Owen Speak

So Owen's new favorite word is 'Mama' and you know I'm loving it!!! He loves to point to me, Daddy and Jack and say our names. We still can't get him to say Owen, but it will come with time.

Here's a list of his new words...

Night-Night - He loves to say this after we lay him in bed. He's waves as he's says it too!

Wall - He points to all the different walls in the house and says this.

Tea - We are big ice tea drinkers around here and he LOVES tea. Even if we put juice or milk in his sippy cup he still says 'mmmm tea'.

Ice - Another one of Owen's favorite things. He just loves to chew on ice. Someone recently told me that kids do that if they are deficient in iron. I'm going to have to check into this.

'Chee' aka 'Cheese' - Owen says this when he eats cheese or when he sees a camera.

Yum Yum - Self explanatory

'Maul' aka 'Mole' - Owen loves to point to the different moles on my tummy.

'Mar' aka 'More' - He signs when he says this.

Beep Beep - Daddy taught him this's the noise his trucks make when they back up.

He can also say Eyebrow, Knee and Elbow and points to them, although sometimes he points to his wrist instead of his elbow.

He just signed cracker today for the first time!!!

1 comment:

  1. have you done any sign language? I got Co a video of sign language and its been so fun!

    cograts to owen on all of the new words!
