Thursday, December 18, 2008

The 13 Dates of Christmas...Past, Future & Presents (Dates 5 - 7)

So on Tuesday for my fifth date Michael gave me a card and another present. The card talked about when we were kind of dating how we went to this Dairy Queen in Normandy Park and got caught by a girl from our school. See I wasn't exactly available to date at the time. I know, I know!!!! The present was a picture of the Dairy Queen sign. The only thing is...It's closed now!!!

We joke with our friends Fred & Jen that the DQ went out of business because they moved further north and now go to a different DQ. It's always a tradition of ours to go to DQ with them so it's an inside kind of joke way.
Anyways so that night Michael took me to a DQ in Federal Way to remember that time in our lives. It wasn't quite the way I remember though because this time around we went threw the drive thru and we had a crabby 6 month old in the car and I was spoon feeding my ice cream to our almost 2 year so he would be happy. My how 11 years can change things! :)
Last night Michael gave me another card and this one talked about how neither of us can remember our first actual date (by that I mean I was free to date then). I know we went to a movie with friends, but I don't remember our first alone date. I think that has to do with the fact that we went so many places alone as friends before we started dating it kind of all blends together...that and I'm getting older!
So my mom and dad showed up around 4:30 to watch the boys and Michael and I headed out to the movies. We grabbed a bite to eat, me at Auntie Ann's Pretzels. I love their pretzel pockets...yummy! Michael ate popcorn and Milk Duds for dinner. I know we're not health nuts! Anyways we went and saw the movie Twlight. I LOVED it!!! I normally like any kind of vampire movie so I'm not surprised I liked it, but it wasn't like a normal vampire movie. It was very dialogue driven and the way they filmed it was so cool.
Tonight Michael surprised me another picture from an old familiar spot from our dating years, but this one I'm going to keep to myself! I wonder what the rest of my dates will be!

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