Monday, December 29, 2008


This weekend I made French Toast using the recipe from my new cookbook Deceptively Delicious and it turned out great. I went to the store with my mom the day before and picked up tons of healthily stuff so I made the French Toast with whole wheat bread and yam puree and I sprinkled milled flax seed on them. The powdered sugar covers up the fact that they look a little more grainy than normal. They really tasted great though. You could not taste the yams at all. Owen actually asked for more and I think he had more than me or Michael did.

Tonight I made my normal recipe for Tuna Casserole, but I added Butternut Squash puree and it tasted the same and he ate a nice portion of it.

I'm so glad that we are finally getting this kid to eat some veggies even if we have to be a little sneaky about it.

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