Wednesday, January 7, 2009


The boys both went the doctor today for their check-ups. It was Owen's two year check-up and Jack's six month check-up. Jack is actually seven months old now, but the doctor let us schedule it this way so I wouldn't have to make numerous trips. Owen is now 22lbs 9oz and he went up in the percentile chart. He's now in the 2%! Woohoo! Jack is 15lbs 12oz and he's in the 7%. Both boys are totally healthy and looking great (Dr's words).

The sad part was they both needed shots...plural! Thankfully a good friend from church came with me because there is no way I would have been able to handle both of them at the same time. Owen had to get two shots and I had to restrain him like a human straight jacket. It was awful! I've never cried when they've gotten there shots, but I came pretty darn close this time. When your child is crying and saying "mommy" all you want to do is take the pain away. Jack had to get 4 shots and one oral. The oral was fine because he was hungry. The shots were awful...of course. Owen was crying and wouldn't let me put him down so I could only lean over and kiss Jack. He was crying so hard he was holding his breath. My friend was trying to help, but they just wanted mommy. I finally just grabbed Jack and held them both in my arms. A momma has to do what a momma has to do! After that dramatic incident I fed Jack so he calmed down, but Owen didn't settle down until we left the actual room. Thankfully Owen doesn't have to go in for another check-up until he's three. Jack on the other hand has to go back next month for his second flu shot and his nine month check up even though he'll only be eight months old. I love how my doctor is flexible!!


  1. how traumatic! I remember one of my tactics as a child getting shots was to start screaming before they even started. I was distracted by trying to keep my screaming up that I never knew when they started or stopped.

  2. I think it's more fear than pain getting shots. No, it doesn't feel good, but in elementary school I had to get an allergy shot every week and after the first few it really wasn't that bad.

    So long story short, the physical pain will be quickly forgotten, it's the psychological scarring of their mom holding them down while a stranger hurt them that will stick with them. How can they ever trust anyone again after something like that?

    Just kidding of course.
