Thursday, January 29, 2009


So Jack has been doing better when it comes to sleep at night. He only had one more night of crying for over 2 hours. Since then he's been sleeping from 8pm to 5:45 sometimes 6:45 in the morning. This morning though he decided to wake up at 5:30 and I should have let him cry because today has been a day let me tell you. I think I've cried as many tears as Jack has today. I'm so exhausted!!! He only took a half an hour nap this morning when he's suppose to take 1 1/2 - 2 hour nap. After lunch I could tell both Owen and Jack were so tired so I put them both down at noon and Jack slept for 40 minutes!!! Of course I tried to let him cry, but by the second time I went into calm him down Owen was awake and it was all over by then. Jack wouldn't go back to sleep and I was literally a mess. I called Michael crying my eyes out. I had just fallen asleep myself when Jack started crying and all I wanted was about a half an hour of sleep. I also called my friend Kim to get some advise as she's just gone through this with her son Andy. Thankfully Owen and Jack were able to keep themselves entertained for a little while so I could rest on the couch and I felt much better after that. I also put Jack down for another nap and he slept for about 40 minutes again. You would think he would have been happy after this, but not so much. Today has pretty much stunk!!! Tomorrow is another day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy have I been there! Norah is just now FINALLY consistently sleeping through the night and she's 16 months old! I'm holding my breath....hoping it sticks!

    There's nothing worse than being so exhausted and finally settling in for some rest, only to have the you sweet babe decide to cut their nap short : (

    Whenever I'm having a particularly rough week, I remind myself that "this too shall pass". Praying that this phase will pass quickly for you : )
