Friday, January 16, 2009

Getting to Know Me...Getting to Know More About Me

I've been tagged by Lisa over at My Journey Through Infertility. I need to let you guys in on 16 things you might know about me. Here goes...

1. My favorite drink is Sweet Ice Tea.
2. I love doing dishes.
3. I was in California getting ready to go to Disneyland during September 11th.
4. I fell asleep while riding on the back of my Grandpa's motorcycle and almost fell off.
5. I was almost kidnapped when I was 7 years old.
6. I got up on stage and performed with the Billy's from Bill Hill & The Hillbilly's at Disneyland.
7. When Michael pulled off my garter at our reception he also pulled out a HUGE pair of panties too. It was so funny! My mouth was as big as the Grand Canyon. Luckily he warned me something was going to happen so I was a good sport about it.
8. On our Honeymoon one of our neighbors at our hotel in Hawaii bought us wine coolers because we were too young to buy then. In fact we were too young to even rent a car.
9. I was in a car accident when I was little and we weren't wearing seat belts since they weren't required at the time and I slide up under the dashboard. After that my Dad made us wear our seat belts.
10. I totaled my Dad's car 4 months after I got my license.
11. After graduation a bunch of friends and I went down to The Cove in Normandy Park and built a bonfire and slept under the stars. Great memory!
12. I attended the same school from first grade all the way through twelve. I was in a graduating class of 3! The school has since closed.
13. I had to be rescued by the ski patrol my first time snowboard. Surprisingly this is a great memory too!
14. I can say the books of the Bible in order from memory.
15. When I was younger I wanted to go to work at Boeing with my Dad, but when I needed a job they were having a hiring freeze so I went to work at Safeco with my Mom instead.
16. For my 15th birthday I went on a trip to New York and Washington D.C. with my grandparents. It was a lot of fun, but I really missed my parents.

Last time I tagged people only two participated so Melody and Kim if you're up for playing along go right ahead...if not I'm cool with that too.


  1. Great list - thanks for playing along!! It was great getting to know more about you.

  2. I think that some of that subtle shame is aimed at me so I'll give you an abbreviated list:

    K-12 I attended 5 different schools in Washington and Florida (lived in California for a few years too but was too young to go to school). Add a community college and a university to that for my post grad schooling.

    I can say the books in the bible in order from Genesis to Deuteronomy and from Matthew to Romans. The rest of them are in random order.

    I've managed to remain awake for all of my motorcycle rides, even the one where I was hit by a car. That resulted in the only ambulance ride I ever got to take. The ambulance stopped somewhere on the way to the hospital, but I don't know where because I was strapped down and couldn't move and could only look at the roof. The current story that I'm going with is that they stopped at 7-11 to pick up some slim jims.

    That's all for me folks.
