Monday, January 26, 2009

Not Me Monday

Mckmama is on vacation, but she was super nice to schedule a Not Me Monday post for all of us that aren't sailing the Caribbean right now.

1. I most certainly did not try to practice EC with Jack this week to only have him scream at me when I put him on the potty. I did not get totally discouraged and decide maybe another day. I honestly don't mind listening to my children scream it doesn't bother me at all.

2. When Owen said poo poo last week I did not take him to the potty chair and have him sit there for the longest time only to think he must have just been practicing a new word and then put his diaper back on and have him poo poo in less than 20 seconds. No way! My big boy would much rather use the potty chair to do his business than his silly old diaper.

3. Michael and Owen did not end up coming down with salmonella from those Austin Peanut Butter Crackers that were that doesn't happen to us. And I most certainly was not totally and complete ecstatic at the fact that I DID NOT eat the crackers. That would be horrible of me to dance around the living room feeling right as rain while Owen and Michael are suffering from such a illness. That would be so mean!

4. Michael and I most certainly did not miss watching Battlestar Galactic on Friday night. It's one of our favorite shows so we would never do that. (Thank goodness for full shows on the Internet)

5. I did not break down into tears this week because I'm feeling a little isolated right now and in need of some girl time. That would be really lame of me. (I'm going to hang out with my girl friend Jen on Wednesday. I really do need that!)

Okay it's your turn to be brutally honest. Let it out people!


  1. Fun post--well, except for the salmonella...sorry about THAT! Your boys are precious. My son#2 is Jack and #4 was almost an Owen.

  2. Oh! How terrible that 2 of your guys ended up with salmonella!! Yikes!!

    We're in the midst of trying to potty train a 2 year old and it seems futile.



  3. I hope your kids are okay, salmonella scares me.

    I hear you about the potty training, my daughter is curious, but terrified at the same time. I know it will happen when she is ready, but in the mean time, I wish she would just get it.

  4. Oh, I hope your boys are feeling better. My daughter had that a while back and it was awful.
