Friday, January 2, 2009

Owen Speak

Owen's vocabulary just keeps on expanding...

He says boppy when he wants his diaper changed and then he lays down on the floor. We are totally going to start potty training after his birthday party on the 17th. In fact tomorrow we're going to IKEA to buy the potty chair.

His favorite phrase right now is 'All gone'. He says it for everything that's all gone. A couple Sundays ago at church after every song he clapped and said 'All gone'.

He is still saying 'on' for both 'on & off'

His favorite late night treat is cocoa and he loves to say it over and over. His lips make this cute 'O' shape when he says it too.

Since Owen got an Elmo Radio Control Roadway for Christmas is new friend is of course Elmo. When he wakes up in the morning it's Elmo this and Elmo that. I wasn't sure he would like any of those characters since we don't really watch TV, but he most definitely likes Elmo.

When we count now instead of saying 'Free' he says "two, two...Two". We are trying to get him to say that he's two for his upcoming birthday.

During Christmas I was trying to get Owen to say Merry Christmas so I said, "Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas. Owen would never say the Merry Christmas part, but he would say "Ho Ho Ho".

And finally when he gets to eat something he really likes he says "Num, Num...Nummy"!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you and I might be working on potty training together. Cameron turns 2 on Tuesday and we are hoping that we can start working on that, but if not then summer time will definitely be the big time to work on it. Good Luck!!
