Monday, January 19, 2009

Owen's Birthday Party

Instead of doing cupcakes this year I decided to make an "Owen" cake. I went out and bought a whole bunch of cake decorating stuff and set out to do the best I could. I'm actually amazed the cakes turned out this good. I even made homemade frosting and it tasted great. Boy were my hands tired from sifting powdered sugar though!

We've been singing Happy Birthday to Owen for a week or two so he would be familiar with the song. He is so smiley because he's just realized everyone is singing to him.

I saved the inside of the 'O' cake and made Owen his own special cake. He actually got to blow out his candles 4 or 5 times because he was so fast no one could get a picture of it.

This is much different than last years reaction to the cake.

Kim and Andy were able to stop by for just a little bit because they had to get back to their house to have church. I asked Kim to get Owen some puzzles, but she couldn't find any that she liked so she got this coloring station instead. This is something I really wanted Owen to get for Christmas, but I forgot about it when she asked. She's so good!

Owen got tons of stuff from Grandma & Grandpa Martin. He got this stuffed donkey, teddy bear, two puzzles, a Looney Tune Car and a squishy football.

We got Owen a Fisher-Price Barn, a John Deere Tractor Book and an animal puzzle.

Ga-Ga & Pa got Owen Elmo Live, a stuffed Elmo to sleep with an Sesame Street Manner Books.

Aunt Michelle got Owen the cutest undies, some have Elmo on them and the others are boxer briefs just like Daddy. She also brought over cousin Coopers Big Wheel that he doesn't use anymore. It's so can be a rocking bike, a push bike or a riding bike. Owen also got two other cool books from Jim & Norean and $10 from Aunt Becky and Uncle Jon. He's one lucky 2 year old!

After Owen opened all his presents we had one for Camryn. See we weren't able to go to her birthday back in November because we were all sick. I hadn't been able to find just the right present for her either, but the other day when my mom and I were at Target I saw this dress and it just screamed Camryn. She loves to dress up so it was perfect. She wanted to try it on right away. Such a princess!!!

1 comment:

  1. He looks so happy! What a lucky young man to have so many people that care about him.

    I really can't believe he's 2 already. Where does the time go?
