Thursday, January 15, 2009

Owen's Birthday

Here is my cute birthday boy before his tummy bug hit this morning. He ate his banana and then it came right back up. Poor little guy was basically a zombie after that. He fell asleep on me while Jack was napping and then threw up again. Thankfully that was the last time though. After that he wanted to eat and drink and has been acting like his normal self. Hopefully it's all over with for him.
Earlier this week we had made plans to go to Red Robin for Owen's Birthday and after a long nap and throwing up Michael felt up to going out.

By his smile in this picture you'd never know that he was still feeling awful. Right now he's in bed and he's not doing good at all. Poor guy!
Jack was extra cranky today, but he never threw up. He did have one explosive diaper while we were at Red Robin. It was so bad I just threw away his onesie that was underneath his outfit. There was no way I was putting it in the diaper bag and taking it home. Besides he has a ton of onesies. I've felt pretty good for most of the day (knock on wood). I felt a little uneasy this morning so I didn't eat until my body was really hungry. Then I took a nap this afternoon and have felt pretty good since.

Today was the first time we've actually order Owen his own meal off the kids menu. He is so picky and he's not a big eater so I can't justify ordering a $5 meal for him. He normally just shares with us or we bring snacks for him to eat. I need to start paying attention to those commercials where they say kids eat free on certain nights.

We order him Chicken & Cheese Quesadillas with apple slices and apple juice. He wouldn't touch the juice at all and of course we forgot the cute cup at the restaurant. He did eat a couple apples and he took a few bites out of his quesadilla. We brought the rest of it home for him to eat later.

We told them it was his second birthday when they sat us down so they brought him two balloons. Owen was so excited. He kept trying to bite them though. He's actually popped a balloon before by biting it.

They also brought him an ice cream sundae which as you can see he was totally not interested in because of the balloons.

He did eventually realize that the ice cream sundae was worth his attention.

We also got really lucky because at the Red Robin in Des Moines Red the Robin stops by on Wednesday and Thursday nights so we were able to get our pictures taken with him. I wasn't sure if Owen would be scarred or not because we've never taken him to see the Easter bunny and we've never been to Disneyland with the kids, but he wasn't freaked out at all. He even said and waved bye bye to him.

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