Monday, February 16, 2009

Not Me Monday

Check out MckMama's Blog and all the other bloggers who participate in this freeing online carnival.

1. This week we were not again dealing with two sick children. My kids do not catch every little bug that comes way!

2. I did not pump every 2.5hrs on Saturday and take Fenugreek in hopes of increasing my milk supply since Jack wasn't eating very much on Friday because of his cold and it was starting to get low.

3. In response to all my pumping I was not awakened on Sunday morning at 5am because my breasts were so engorged you would have thought I just gave birth to twins.

4. I did not use my sheets as a tissue for my runny nose because I was so exhausted that I didn't want to lean over and grab a tissue that was on my nightstand. I most definitely changed said sheets the morning after I did not use them as a tissue and I am most certainly am not still sleeping on said sheets.

5. I did not spend all of Valentine's Day unshowered, in my pajamas, watching episode after episode of 24 with my husband. That would be so unromantic. It's not like we have two sick kids and no babysitter and are only living on one income...sheesh! (Actually it was a great day and I wouldn't change it)

6. I did not just learn how to schedule my posts while posting this blog. I'm still not that naive when it comes to my blog.

7. After scheduling this post to automatically post at 7am I did not say out loud to my husband, "Now all I have to do in the morning is get on Mr. Linky...I hope I get on top of Mr. Linky!" (If you have no idea what I'm talking about head over to MckMama's blog and you'll figure it out. Today I was no where near the top of Mr. Linky, but I was closer than I've ever been.)

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha - I hope you got on top of Mr. Linky too! And your Valentine's day sounds WONDERFUL! Now, go wash those sheets. ;-)
