Thursday, February 12, 2009

Owen Speak

Owen is just talking like crazy now. He amazes me. I've been writing them down so I won't forget and it seems like the list goes on and on. I know this stuff probably isn't that interesting to most of you, but I want to make sure I remember this stuff when he gets older.

Netty = Thank you - He sometimes signs this.

Ree-Ree = Ring or Pretty - I'm not really sure on this one yet.

Hacut = Haircut - We just buzzed Owen's head last night and it looks super cute.

Han = Hand

Tay = Tape - Owen loves to play with masking tape and since Michael is a painter we have plenty of it.

Bubba = Brother - This is what I called my brother so sometimes I say it for either Owen or Jack and he just started saying it today.

Off! He just started saying this today. Finally! Hopefully he will phase out 'Not on' now!

Here go = Here you go

Kim = My friend Kim - She came over last week or the week before I can't remember anyways he just stood at the window and said her name. Also I have all my picture Christmas cards hanging up in the dining room so when he sees hers he says her name over and over.

Icky = Yucky - He learned this one during potty training this last weekend. Oh yeah that didn't go so well so he's still using "Boppies" aka diapers.

Pen - Self explanatory

Nay = Name - Owen thinks that all words have to be names because each of us have our names over our beds. The words can be on paper, the TV, a sign outside, but they are all names.

Gapa = Ga & Ga & Pa together or it means Grandpa...not quite sure.

I pay I pay = I pray I pray - That is actually how Owen prays. He says it over and over about 3 or 4 times and then says Amen at the end. I couldn't figure out why he prayed like that until I really listened to myself praying and I say...Dear God, I pray that we have a good day and I pray that Michael comes home soon and I pray that the boys take a long nap......wonder who he learned how to pray like that from???

We've been working on the ABC's and counting from 1 - 10 with him more and more. He can say almost all of the ABC's now except he refuses to say 'A' he always starts with 'B'. The same thing goes for his numbers he always starts with '2'.

Today I kissed Owen and it shocked both of us on the lips. I kissed him again and it happened again. After that he didn't want to kiss me, but later on I convinced him too and there was no shock and he said all excited, "No Owww"!

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