Monday, March 2, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to the MckMama blog carnival that's devoted to get it all out in the open. What did you not do this past week??
1. I did not stuff the Fisher-Price Stack and Roll Cups under my sons shirt to make him look like he had boobies and a baby belly. That would be completely ridiculous and not funny in the least. I did not practically roll on the floor with laughter while doing this and I most definitely did not get a picture of it....Okay maybe I DID do that!

2. I was not still dealing with a sick baby this week. He did not cough and throw up on me so many times this week that when he coughs I now turn him away from me so I will only have to change his clothes and not mine.

3. I am not so absolutely engrossed the Twilight series of books that I ask my husband if it he thought it would be a bad idea to drop the kids off at the church nursery on Sunday and then go out to the car to read my book. He did not look at me agast that I would even think of that let alone speak it out loud.


  1. Great Not Me! Monday!! I know about the turn the sick kid the other way trick!! I do that quite often when one of mine is sick or when my youngest looks like he might decide to spit up!! I have enough laundry to do without them throwing up all over me!!

  2. Babies have way more clothes than we do - you were totally justified in my book!!

    Visit my "Not Me Monday" HERE!
