Monday, March 9, 2009

Not Me Monday

Head to MckMama's blog to see what other hilarious things people are fessin' up to this week.
1. I did not melt the lid to the cream cheese on the stove. This is not something I do a a pretty regular basis. I am always observant and I definitely see that red light glowing on the stove warning me that the burner is still in fact hot.

2. I did not try to lick Pumpkin out to Jack's hair after lunch on Thursday because I didn't want to get up and get a washcloth. I'm not lazy in the least bit!

3. I did not have to call my mortgage company 3 times this last week trying to straighten out the fact that THEY deposited MY check for February into someone elses account. I did not have to actually send in proof that I paid my mortgage on time and then have to ask them to remove the late charges they had added onto my account for THEIR error. I am not completely furious with them in the least!

4. I did not let my 9 month old try the following foods this last week...french fries, ice cream, 2 different types of chips, bacon and a girl scout cookie. I strictly follow the guidelines that are put in places for infants and their eating habits and I do not turn to mush when Jack looks at me and at my food with an expression that says, "Pleeease mommy!"


  1. Hey, just dropped by after seeing your link on MckMama's blog.

    Enjoyed your Not Me's! Licking pumpkin out of his hair - now that's pretty funny. =0)

    Happy Monday!

  2. How do you get the melted plastic off the element? I have almost done this and am terrified of the consequences.

  3. yes I am gulity of all those things, my thrid child has tasted many things my first never did until much older. See you around Mcmam's. Great not me's.


  4. My bank that financed my car and also my father's truck routinely misapplied his payments to my account. It was a fiasco! Glad you got it sorted out! (We didn't even have the same last name!!!)
