Thursday, March 26, 2009

Owen Speak

Here are the latest things that Owen's saying...

Come = Comb aka Honey Comb. Owen asks for this all the time, but he doesn't actually like Honey Comb he really wants Captain Crunch.

Cake = Pancake. I make blueberry pancakes quite frequently. YUMMY!

Geek You = Thank you. Owen will also sign this and he's started saying this without even being asked. I love that he uses his manners. He also signs sorry after he's been in timeout, but he doesn't say the word sorry yet.

Coooookie = Cookie Monster

Urnee = Ernie from Sesame Street

Keeks = Cheeks. He also pinches them when he says this.

Fys = Thighs. He squeezes his thighs when he says this.

Bum = Bum. He pats his bum when he says this.

Ahpit = Armpit. He loves to hid toys in his armpits and ask where they went even if the toy is too big. He's such a character!

Nuna = Tuna. He learned this the last time I made Tuna Casserole.

No bite = No bite. He says this to Jack after I've told Jack not to bite me or he'll say it to himself if he's biting his clothes. He knows he's not suppose to do that so he's correcting himself.

Beetball = Meatball. I made meatballs for the scrapbook day that I went to at my church and we had lots of leftovers. Owen ate them the first time, but after that he wouldn't. They are those yummy meatballs from Costco.

Owen said his first sentence a few days ago. We were in the kitchen and he said...Where my...tea go? He then went running into the living room to find his sippy with tea in it.

Owen can now do the actions for a monkey, elephant, crocodile and shark. For the crocodile he claps his hands and says "Chomp chomp" for the shark he puts his hands together on top of his head and says "do do do do" like the music from Jaws. The other day he was bringing his Noah's Ark toy over to me and I asked him, "Is that Noah's Ark"? He set it down and put his hands over his head and said, "do do do do". He thought I said shark, not ark! Too cute!

The other day when I was making dinner I used a little to much pepper and I turned my head to sneeze. Unfortunately Owen was right there so he got sneezed on. He just lifted his hands in the air and said, "All wet"!

And last but not least Owen is now saying his name if you ask him! He puts the two letters 'O' and 'N' together and says O-N. He over pronounces them and it's so cute. I'm going to try to get a video of him saying it and then I'll post it. He's getting so big I can't believe it.

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