Saturday, April 4, 2009

Seahurst Park

Spring has arrived!!! We had some great weather today so we had to get outside and take advantage of it. After the boys napped we headed over to an old familiar spot for Michael...Seahurst Park. Michael spent a lot of time playing here as a kids. It was absolutely a perfect day to be at the wind, warm sunshine and no crowds! Perfect!!!

Michael said when he was a kid they didn't have this upper trail so him and his friends used to have to race the tide in order to get back home. It was a really nice trail too...we used the stroller and it did great.

Owen wasn't sure what to do when we first got there, but once we started throwing rocks he was hooked!

Owen slipped once, but thankfully he didn't fall in the water. I'm sure it's still pretty cold. We did see some crazy kid go running and jump in all the way up to his shoulders...brrrr!!!

Have I told you that Jack will eat anything?

This is weird looking food!!!

Hmmm...I wonder which one I should eat first?

This ones looks good!

Oh yeah....yummy!!!
Seriously I think I had to take 4 or 5 rocks out of his mouth and I had to catch him before he ate seaweed....yuck!

I love this picture it reminds me of a picture I took of
Owen on a log down at the beach at Redondo...thankfully I didn't break my camera on this trip...I did drop it though!

After we played on this beach we headed to the other side of the park so Owen could play on the toys. Jack just chilled out in the stroller.

We had to do a little photo op in the tree. Owen wasn't too into it though.

As you can see the play equipment hadn't quite dried out yet from all the rain we've had, but Owen still had fun going down the slide a couple times.

After we left the park we ate at a nice diner in Burien and then got a PBP at DQ and headed home. It was an awesome day spent with my hubby and my boys!


  1. Definitely looks like a good time was had! Especially Owen throwing rocks in the water!

  2. Is Owen a south paw? It looks like he's throwing lefty in that picture. Get a glove on that kid and get him practicing. The Mariners have a shortage of lefties on the pitching staff.
