Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me back!!!

Owen is actually 28 months old not mommy brain was working in high gear when I posted this.

Mckmama is back with her blog carnival and it's better than ever. Enjoy the brutal honesty and consider joining in the fun over at My Charming Kids.
1. This last Monday I did not completely wreck my back by stretching after nursing Jack. It certainly wasn't bad enough that I had to call Michael and have him come home from work so he could drive me to the chiropractor because I could barely breath.
2. This week I did not stay home most of the week because my 25 month old was potty training and I was freaked out about leaving the house and having accidents.
3. Owen did not do a fantastic job potty training....after all he is only 25 months and there is no way a BOY can be potty trained that fast.
4. Jack did not throw one of Owen's shoes in the toilet before Michael could shut the lid...we do not have potty parties in the bathroom while Owen is doing his business. Privacy is a top priority in our family.
Okay it's your turn to fess up!


  1. Hi again,

    Funny not me's, hope you back is better. My T potty trained himself and was in undies with no accidents by 28 months, so some boys can. I told my hubby that the rest would be 4, because he was way to easy.

    see you around Mcmama's Kristi

  2. Just found your blog...enjoyed reading your "not me's"!
