Thursday, May 14, 2009

San Francisco Trip - Muir Beach & Coming Home

The third day of our trip we had planned to go to Stinson Beach, but I turned the wrong way and we ended up at Muir Beach instead. It didn't really matter I just wanted to go to the beach.

While we were driving down this awesomely curvy road we saw this hill and people climbing up it and we thought they were nuts. Of course we decided we should be nuts too so we could take pictures from a better vantage point. It wasn't really that bad except on the way down we didn't take the same trail so it was a little more overgrown than the one we took up.

I love the ocean! I was telling Michael it is still my dream to see the sunrise on the Atlantic. I love the Pacific Ocean, but I really want to see the Atlantic Ocean. I've seen it from the air when we flew into Orlando, but we didn't actually make it out to the ocean....someday we will.

It was a really nice beach and not nearly as crowded as I thought it would be on such a nice Saturday.

Can you see our white PT Cruiser? I did a great job parallel parking!

The whole reason we even went to the beach was because I needed to get a picture of Michael all by himself. The beach is Michael's place. Our dining room has a nautical theme to it and there are 4 pictures of Michael at different beaches from the trips we've taken so I needed to add another one.

Our flight left at 5pm so after we grabbed lunch at 7/11 (I know we're high class) we headed towards the airport. I think the San Francisco Airport is beautiful!

They have this sky train that you take from the rental car place to the main terminal. We didn't know how long it would take since the rental car place is the last stop so we ended up being a little early.

We probably could have gotten on the earlier flight since it hadn't left yet, but we decided to stick with our original plan so we just hung out at the airport.

Good times!

My Dad was waiting for us in the cell phone lot, but I didn't know that we had come in at the N gates that are farther away from baggage claim. So he ended up having to circle around anyways.

We're home!!! I was so happy to see my boys. Jack wasn't quite sure what to think he was so tired and hungry. I asked my mom not to give him a bottle so I could nurse him instead. Owen did his usual thing when he's excited...ran away!

Here Jack is standing up waving bye-bye to Ga-Ga & Pa. It was so nice of them to watch the boys for us at our house since that's where all the boys stuff is. They had a wonderful time, but they were definitely tired and ready to go home.

Owen was so happy to play "Bonk" with Daddy. It's where they push their foreheads together really hard. Boys!!!!

Michael and I had a wonderful time, but there really is no place like home!


  1. I'm glad you guys had a great time. The Pacific Ocean ohhhhhh

  2. Looks like you guys had a blast! Good for you for taking time for each other to get away!
