Thursday, May 28, 2009

Show Us Where You Live Friday

This week Kelly is challenging us to show off our child's room/nursery.

This is Owen and Jack's room right when you walk in the door. We put the boys in the same room a few months ago and they've been doing really well sleeping together. There are two things that are different since I took this picture - Owen doesn't have the safety railing on his bed anymore and there is a big blanket covering the window so the boys will sleep in longer than 5am!

Here is Jack's side of the room. They both have name signs and their ultrasound pictures over their beds. I love the changing table that my parents bought me. I used it all the time when Owen was a baby, but Jack just hates it. I haven't changed him on it since he started rolling over.

This the other side of the room. That dresser is part of a set I got for Michael years ago. A lady was selling a ship wheel mirror that went with 2 dressers, a small deck and a twin headboard. I just wanted the mirror, but she wouldn't split the set up so I bought the whole thing hoping we would eventually have a boy.

Before we moved the boys into one room together Owen had his own big boy room and Jack was in the nursery so I thought I would show you those pictures as well.

This was Owen's big boy room that he had all to himself before and shortly after Jack was born. I got his crib off Craigslist for $20 and later sold it for $30!

Here's the other side of his big boy room. The reason we painted the silver stripe on the wall was to camouflages the magnet board that's hanging on the wall to the left of the dresser. Now that Owen and Jack are sleeping together in the other room this room is our guest room.

Now for the nursery that was both Owen's and Jack's after they were first born.

I never actually took pictures of it with Jack's name sign over the crib, but he did have this room all to himself for a few months. If you haven't noticed by now we love this color blue. The funny thing is we didn't know it was the same exact color we just keep randomly picking this blue and painting their rooms with it.

Michael's mom and I spent hours painting this room before Owen was born. The saying on the top of the wall says, "No earthly joy can bring more pleasure, than a little boy to love and treasure!"

The whole room had a Noah's Ark/Star theme so this was his shelf with all the Noah's Ark knick knacks that I had collected over the years. Now since the the boys are sleeping together this room is our home office.


  1. The boys' room is so cute! My two oldest boys share a room and they love it.

  2. Wow, you've been a busy Mama!! All that redecorating with 2 little guys to "help" is no easy task- job well done!!

  3. Too cute! Just have to say also that the youngest of my three boys is named Jack Owen! :) Great minds, right?

  4. Cute rooms!!! I love that the boys are sleeping in the same room! My sister and I shared a room for all of our growing up years.

  5. I LOVE the colorful circles! Very cute rooms!

  6. Love the rooms! They are cute and look like tons of fun for the boys to play in! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Cute rooms. I love the striped curtains!
