Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sucess in gardening

Last year my mom and I bought a bunch of bulbs at Costco and Michael planted all of ours in this little patch of dirt on the other side of our driveway. I thought it was going to be way too full of flowers, but now I know there really isn't such a things as too many flowers. I love the way it's so bright and sunny. I think that bulbs are something that Michael and I are definitely going to buy more of. It's so nice to plant them once and not have to worry about them again. We really want to plant some lilies, daffodils and hostas.
We know we planted 4 different kinds of bulbs these two kinds of tulips and these leafy green plants, but I don't remember planting these small purple flowers. At first Michael thought they were weeds and they might be, but I like them so I told him to just let them grow.

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