Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Celebrity Encounter

For those of you who don't follow me on FB...I just ran into this guy at my local Fred Meyer....

That's right....Matt Hoover!

The winner of Season 2 of the BIGGEST LOSER!!!

He was right in front of me in line for The Movie Cube. At first I caught a glimpse of him from the side and thought to myself...."Hmm that guy looks familiar". Then I remembered reading somewhere that he and his wife Suzy (She was also on the Biggest Loser) lived here in Washington. So I did what any self respecting person would do....I used the mirror in one of those grab toy bins so I could check out the front of his face without me noticing so I didn't make a fool of myself if it wasn't really him. I was in luck was totally him! So I said, "Hey your Matt right?" He said, "Yeah!" I said, "My name's Lyndsay (shook his hand), you're such an inspiration". I asked him about his two boys. Did I mention I've read up the guy? That must be so totally weird for perfect strangers to know all about you. It comes with the territory though! After a few words he returned his movie and said goodbye. It was my turn to pick out a movie and I was shaking so bad I just remember thinking - Why didn't you bring your purse in, the camera was in there...and don't rent a movie you've already seen!


  1. Kim and I met him when we had a membership to Vision Quest at the Super Mall. He was a trainer there. Don't know if he still works there or not! Nice guy though.

  2. One of my best friends went to church with Suzy back when she was on the show.
