Monday, June 8, 2009

Kitchen Fun

I love to put together furniture it's just a passion of mine. When my parents moved into their new house I had so much fun putting together all their new furniture. Anyways this morning I got all excited to put together Jack's kitchen that Ga-Ga & Pa got him. It was actually way easier than I thought it would be. There was only a couple of pieces that I couldn't get in that I needed Michael to help me with. I do have a blister on the palm of my hand from using the screwdrivers do much, but it was well worth it.

Talk about fun!!!

Here's the lights up and there are pretend flames. The stove also makes boiling water noise and there's a timer and the ice dispenser works too!

Jack has been having fun chewing on all the fake food. Owen has really enjoyed using the coffee pot and getting mommy hot coffee.


  1. The kitchen looks like so much fun! I bet it will keep the boys entertained for many hours.

  2. That kitchen is AWESOME!!!! holy moly!!
