Monday, June 15, 2009

Not Me Monday!

This Not Me Monday will include things that have happened in the last two weeks since there wasn't a Not Me Monday post last week. Head over to MckMama's to join in the carnival.

1. Two Sunday's ago I did not set a burning flame in front of my one year and just assume he wouldn't reach for it. I would not be crazy enough to do that. (FYI...I reviewed the tape and Jack did NOT (seriously) get a hold of the flame. I blew it out before he touched it)

2. I did not let my boys consume a soft pretzel, wheat thins, a pop tart and a cheese stick for dinner because we were at the mall and that's all I had on hand and I had a coupon for the pretzel. We always eat food from all the food groups.

3. This last week I did not say to Owen, "No you don't push mama's ding dong you can push your ding dong though", and then think....hmmm that sounds bad! (I was referring to the doorbell. He wants to push our doorbell over and over, but he has a doorbell on his playhouse that I'd rather he push.)

4. I also did not have to explain to Owen that we don't kiss poo poo, after telling him to say bye bye to his poo poo when we were going to flush the toilet.

5. Jack is definitely not toddling around the entire house after only just taking his first steps a few days ago. He was not faking that he couldn't walk for weeks now.

6. I have not hit my left big toenail so many times in the last 2 weeks that the nail is halfway ripped off. I'm not in pain every time my boys step on or touch it. I do not wish I could just rip it off and get it over with.

7. I did not actually post a picture of the victorious end of a moles reign against our lawn. I would never post picture of anything dead on my blog...that's just weird.

What have you not done lately?


  1. great Not me monday!!!
    I especially love the not kissing poo bye-bye!!

  2. Owen wanted to kiss his poopoo?! That is hilarious!

  3. Great NMM! Really cool blog- enjoyed my visit!

  4. Came over from MckMama---loved your post!! The funny things kids say when potty training! Loved the kissing poo comment! :)

  5. Great list...I enjoyed reading your blog tonight....Had some time to do some blog hopping...always enjoy finding new blogs!
    Hope you will visit me. This month I am posting on our Disney trip.
