Monday, June 29, 2009

Not Me Monday!

It's been two weeks since the last Not Me Monday over at MckMama's so get ready and hold on tight!
1. I do not specifically go shopping at Costco with my boys during the lunch hour because I know there will be plenty of demos going on so they can eat lunch, stay happy and I can get my grocery shopping done. Furthermore...I would not pick up a sample of a Chicken Bake of the floor and feed it to my son for goodness sakes who knows what's living on the floor of a Costco!
2. Two weeks ago I did not go in to get Owen after his nap and hear, "poop poop undies" right when I walked in. I also didn't see Owen's night-night undies (Pull-Ups) half removed and poop on the sheets. Oh child does not remove his poopy Pull-Ups and get skid marks on my nice clean guest sheets!
3. I did not go to Value Village and realize that Jack had pooped and then open the diaper bag to find that there we NO diapers. I always restock my diaper bag. I did not have to use one of Owen's Little Swimmers instead. Later when we arrived home I would not put the same pair of Little Swimmers back in the diaper bag since Jack didn't pee or poop in them. Hey they may come in handy again...I mean of course they won't because that didn't happen!
4. I did not decide one day to actually dress up in nice jeans and a fancier top and then proceed to take the boys for a walk around the neighborhood in the wagon. Who do I think I of the Jersey Housewives! I also did not get in a working mood when we got home from our walk and do a bunch of yard work in my same nice clothes and dressier shoes. Who does that?
5. I definitely did not walk into the bathroom this last week to find Owen swirling his foot in the toilet with his sock on in water the had just peed in. This would be absolutely disgusting and not something my child would do.
6. I am not re-reading the Twilight Series and totally addicted to it like it's the first time I've read it. I have not tried to immerse myself in a Bella/Edward/Jacob world ever free moment of my day for the last 3 days. Free moment....what's that!
Okay it's your turn to 'fess up!


  1. HEE HEE, TOO FUNNY, I had a similar diaper issue not to long ago for a not me. I LOVE the toliet story, see you around McMama's.


  2. Cute post. I just love those poop surprises. I have to say I'm lucky (so far, knock on wood) that none of my kids have really played in the toilet. There was some fascination with the toilet brush and/or plunger, but it was short lived.
