Thursday, June 4, 2009

Special Delivery Part 2

On Wednesday we had another big delivery this time from Carpinito Brothers We ordered 5 yards of gravel and 5 yards of topsoil. This is the truck that showed up. Once I saw it I was certain that it would not go down the easement and we would end up having dirt and rock in driveway for the entire summer.
Thankfully the driver was willing to try backing it down. It was a tight squeeze and my heart was pounding. He had to go back and forth a few times to get it just right, but he made it down fine. Our trees had a couple branches taken off, but that was no biggie.

5 yards of pea gravel....comin' down!

That's a lot of rocks!

Owen was inside when the gravel was being dumped out, but I tried to get him to watch the dirt. He's just terrified of loud noises so he clung on for dear life.

The way it works with a double load is this truck actually had a trailer that the driver left out at the main road. After he dumped the rock he went back to the trailer and it slides into the back of the truck. It's pretty cool!

Here comes the dirt. Our neighbor Vonda even came out to see the action...she's standing on her deck checking it out.

Another view of the tight squeeze. The driver was awesome and if I had thought about the $5 I had in my wallet I would have given him a tip.

What a mess!

Of course Owen wanted to play with the rocks and even tried climbing to the top.

If your wondering...Jack missed all the action because he was taking his morning nap.

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