Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Warning...Dead Mole!

Remember this post. We have tried two different kinds of mole poison and today I even tried shoving the hose down into his tunnels and washing him out. This evening Michael and I were showing our friends the work we are doing in the backyard and right next to the trench for the retaining wall was a dead mole. I was so excited I ran and got the camera. Please forgive me, but we've been dealing with this thing wrecking our yard now for a really long time. It made us so mad because we worked hard and spent a lot of money trying to get our yard to look nice. We're pretty sure he died from the poison because there were no wounds on his body. I was amazed at his claws...no wonder they can tunnel through your yard. Warning picture of dead mole below...I know I'm weird!






  1. so THAT is what a mole looks like! I don't think I've ever seen one before. How big was it?

  2. I've seen one...when my mom went running outside in her bathrobe with a shovel and killed it as it tried to get away...I will never forget it! She didn't think my dad would believe her so she put it in a paper back and saved it on the back deck for him to see! LOL
