Wednesday, September 9, 2009

15 Month Check-Up

Today I took Jack in for his 15 month check up. Owen was so excited to go to the Dr. He loves to push the buttons for the elevator. Once we got into the office the first thing he said was, "Ticker?" We haven't been to the Dr since Jack's 12 month check up and he still remembers getting a sticker the last time we were there. His memory astounds me!

I asked the nurse if we could weigh both the boys since my boys tend to be smaller I like to know if Owen is growing or not and his next appointment isn't until he's 3 years old. Jack ended up weighing 20lbs exactly. I'm so we can face him forward instead of backwards. We are going to have the car seats checked at the next safety check the hospital has so we'll have the pros change it around then. Owen stood on the big scale for the first time and at 30 months weighed in at 24lbs 6oz.

The doctor was really pleased with Jack and his abilities...he's already able to do things that according to the charts he's supposed to start doing between 15 and 18 months. Like running and pointing to body parts. He also checked out the bump on his head....last Friday Jack took a fall from the top of the slide outside. He had just learned to climb up the slide and I was inside going to the bathroom. By the time I came outside he had already climbed to the top. I was on my way over to make sure he didn't fall and right then he turned and down he went. He landed on the left side of his head on the concrete about 4ft below. I was freaking out and called the nurse and she told me what signs to watch for and we ended up not going to the urgent care and he was fine. After the doctor was finished the nurse came in to give Jack his two shots. The first shot he didn't even make a face and the second shot he cried out just once. I tell you he is one tough kid! Jack got band aids on his arms where the shots were so of course Owen had to have a band aid on his "owie" too. They also got stickers on the way out! Lucky boys!

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