Monday, September 21, 2009

6 boys!!!

On Thursday my friend Kim and I watched our friend Jen's 3 younger kids so she could take her 3 older kids to the Puyallup Fair. I seriously don't know what I was thinking saying yes. Michael says I have issues saying no. :) There would have been NO WAY I could have done this without Kim's help. 6 boys ranging in age from 4 years to 9 months!!! Oh my goodness! It really wasn't bad at all though. The boys were really good actually, but at the place I am in my pregnancy I'm severely moody so that didn't help! Thankfully all the boys (except the youngest) were asleep or crying to go to sleep when Kim left and went to get her haircut and they didn't wake up until she got back.
After nap time we decided to get outside and have some fun. Evan really likes hanging out with Owen.

Here are 4 of the boys in the wagon. Charlie is the only one looking at the camera.

Jack and Andy sittin' pretty!

Joe Joe...the youngest was so good. He was too busy to really eat anything while his mom was gone and he didn't even take a nap, but he was so happy. He was actually so content and quiet (don't tell his mom) that most of the time I forgot he was there. I mean 6 kids is a LOT to keep track of!

1 comment:

  1. I have 5 boys of my own, ranging in age from 12 to 2, so can totally relate and appreciate this post.

    Go boys!!
