Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Who Needs A Whole Toenail Anyway?

Earlier in the summer I really hurt my left big toenail. I was getting something out of our spare room closet and I jammed my toe into a shelf that was laying on the ground. It hurt SO bad! Within 4 days it had been hurt at least another 3 times...once with a rock, once with Jack's foot and once with a toy. My poor toe! I was sure I was going to lose my toenail because it was bleeding and oozing clear stuff, but it just hung on. That was about 2 months ago and then last week I noticed my toenail felt funny again. So I gingerly tried to look at it and up it came. It didn't hurt, but it was bugging me because I could feel it moving when I walked. I decided to go ahead and cut it back as far as I could. Here's the result....
Now if you've ever seen my toes in person you know I don't have very big nail anyways. I was actually really thankful that my toenail didn't fall off 2 months ago because during that time the skin underneath was healing. It doesn't hurt at all! It actually feels great and summer is coming to an end and so is flip flop season so it's really not that big of a deal. Lord knows when my toenail will completely grow in again. My nails grow really slow so I've been joking that the baby will be here before my nails grows in. I'll keep you all post as I'm sure you are chomping at the bit to know! :)


  1. Oh, that's freaky, why would you show something like that? I hope it doesn't get ingrown. I had an ingrown nail on my big toe one time and it was months of discomfort before a doctor finally had to cut half my toenail off so it could heal. The left half. Now that was freaky looking.

  2. your toenail is so freaky! Doesnt it feel weird to be able to touch skin you've never been able to touch before? I've always wondered about that part!! :)
