Thursday, October 1, 2009

Facing Forward

Now that Jack is over a year old and over 20lbs he can sit facing forward. I've wanted him to be turned around for a while, but I was waiting until we could go to the car seat safety check that they have at the hospital. We'll I just couldn't wait anymore so I had Michael change the car seat around on Monday night. We are still going to get the car seats checked next month though.
Jack was so happy. His eyes were all lit up and he was just looking at all the new things he could see. As we were driving out of the neighborhood he was laughing so cute.

The boys look so big here. This is exactly how they are going to be in the van when Ella gets here. The bench seat they are sitting on will be moved to the back and we are going to put one of the captain chairs in for Ella's car seat. It will be a little difficult in the beginning until the boys can learn how to strap themselves in, but life can't be easy can it! :)

1 comment:

  1. Whenyou go to your layout section and click on HTML-- it will take you to a place where there is a rectangular white block with all these codes and jibberings and jabberings going on in there.... if you do a search for anything that says "PYZAM" you could try to delete the line connected to it. Anything that says pyzam... get rid of it. That should clear uyp that problem you have on your header.
