Thursday, October 15, 2009


Jack's vocabulary skills are just shocking all of us. He's only 16 months old and uses at least 20 words on a regular basis. I'm sure it has something to do with being a second child and having an older brother to look up too. Plus a super talkative Mama probably helps too! :)
Here are his new words...
Bubble = Bubble or Bottle
Bubba = This is what we call Owen because Jack can't say Owen yet.
Ball = His favorite toy ever...maybe second to the broom!
Ga-Ga = Grandma Grant
Ga = Pa aka Grandpa Grant
Abble = Apple - He can even point these out when we look at books
Go = Go bye-bye, Where did it go? or Goat
Ona = Vonda our neighbor
Mawman = Mailman
Meal = Milk
Ber = Bear
Baybee = Baby
Gar = Car
Jack now knows how to sign please, milk and chap stick. I'm not sure if it's the sign for chap stick, but he puts his thumbnail on his lip and rubs it around if he wants some on his lips. Both Owen and Jack LOVE chap stick.
Jack can make the sounds a cow and an elephant make.
When Jack eats if it's something he likes he goes, "Mmmm" just like Mama. I'm a very noisy eater if I like what I'm eating. I definitely enjoy food and so does Jack.
The other day I asked Jack where the baby was and he pointed to himself. Then I said, "Where's Jack?" and he pointed to himself and said, "Da Baybee!" As if to say, "Hello Mama I already told you!"

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