Wednesday, November 4, 2009

23 Weeks

23 weeks and I look like I'm going to give birth any day now. I'm gonna be huge!
At my last doctor's appointment I was measuring a couple weeks ahead and I gained 8 1/2lbs in one month. Just that morning I had realized that I'm always pregnant over Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. No wonder I gain so much weight! As you can probably surmise my appetite is quite fact I could probably eat continuously throughout the day. I'm always hungry!
Ella is moving all around and we can now watch my belly move. She has her busy times which are first thing in the morning and then right before bed.
I've been feeling pretty good. Bending over is definitely not something I can do anymore. If I need to pick up anything that is below my knees I have to squat to get it. My pelvic bone is starting to hurt again when I roll over in bed. This happened with my pregnancy with Jack. It's really painful!
We are almost finished with the garage organization and then it's onto Ella's room. I have everything pictured in my head so it will be nice to actually see it for real.


  1. You don't look huge at all!!! My SIL had the same thing with the pelvic bone... she agreed it was super painful - she said it felt like the bone was going to break it was that much pressure. Boo...

  2. You aren't huge at all! Very cute, in fact : ) I felt that way too though. Thankfully, the last three months or so, my weight just kinda shifted around. While my belly has defiantly grown, the rest of me has thinned out a bit....yay! Although.....if this kid doesn't come soon, I fear I may gain 10lbs while trying to pass the time!
