Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Boys

You might have noticed that I haven't blogged much lately...that's mainly because we haven't done THAT many exciting things lately. But it's also due to the fact that these boys have been driving their Mama crazy! I love them more than words can say...they are my blessings. However, with the change to our everyday schedule we are all just trying to find our way and make sense of it. The boys are used to Daddy being gone all day everyday. Now that he's home it's wonderful...really I love having Michael home. He is SO helpful! However, it does change the balance of our lives. The boys know something is up, but they aren't big enough to understand what that is. They are also trying to absorb all this stuff they keep hearing about their new sister so that's probably stressful too. Nap times around here have been awful and pretty much nonexistent. There's just been a bunch of changes and the boys have been grumpy, I've been grumpy and I just haven't been in the mood to talk about it. Shocking I know!
Thought these pictures were too cute to post. I love having photos to compare the boys!
Owen at 14 months!

Jack 17 months!

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