Monday, December 14, 2009

28 Weeks 2 Days

With Michael starting his new job today I've been thinking about how accustom I've come to having an extra set of helping hands around the house. Oh how I wish I had not let myself become so comfortable. These next few weeks are definitely going to be an adjustment for me and the boys. On Saturday night I was laying in bed and I think it FINALLY hit me....I am going to have my hands full with 3...count them 1 - 2 - 3 kids! I only have 2...count them 1 - 2 hands! Oh my word!!!!
Okay now for the all the pregnancy info....
- Ella is a crazy girl. She moves around like she's break dancing in there! She's actually caused me pain by moving around so much. She is just like the boys where...she loves to shove her entire body over on the right side of my uterus. Don't know why my kids love that so much, but they do! I am actually look forward to her getting bigger and not having as much room to move around at least then she won't be able to wind up for the swinging punch she's about to hit me with. :)
- I found out at my last doctor's appointment that I'm anemic...again. This happened with Jack so I wasn't really surprised. I have to take iron pills at night opposite my prenatal vitamins. I think this is going to really help me not gain as much weight as fast as I have been. Iron won't absorb if you take it with dairy so I can't eat my nightly bowl of cereal anymore.
- I'm now meeting with my doctor every two weeks. I remember once I got to this point with the boys it felt like the weeks passed more quickly. That and the craziness of the holidays and I'm sure it's going to feel like it's flying by.
- My next doctors appointment is this Wednesday and I'm hoping that we'll get to schedule Ella's C-Section for February 25th. Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but the reason I want her to be born on the 25th is because Jack was born on the 5th and Owen was born on the 15th so all the 5's would be covered. I'm a freak with dates. We'll see what the doctor says. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, TWO hands and THREE kids is a BIG challenge! One word....BABYWEARING!! It has been such a lifesaver! I have about 6 different contraptions that I can choose from...I wanted to make sure I was prepared. I try not to do it all the time, so that Simon only wants to be held, but boy is it nice when he's fussy and I need my hands : )
