Friday, January 15, 2010

Guess Who's 3!

My sweet precious boy today you are 3 years old. Where has the time gone??? Seriously 3 years old!!!

You are such a love dirt, rocks and cars, but you are also so gentle. You love to snuggle your animals and be snuggled too! You are so smart and so verbal. You say practically everything and you are very quick to catch on. You are still learning your ABC's and 123's. You love the flash cards that Ga-Ga got you.
You just started singing to us and I love it!
You are all about your privacy when it comes to going potty. You can take your pants and undies down all on your own, but you still need help getting them back up. You can go potty standing up now...which you love!

You enjoy being a big brother...even when Jack drives you crazy and steals your toys just so you'll chase him. When you wake up from your nap you always want to go in and get Bubba. You understand that there is a baby in Mama's belly, but when I ask you if you are ready for her to come out you say, "No!". You know we are going to have to hold her and change her diaper and sometimes you think that you will be the one to nurse her, but Mama has explained that that's my job!

You love your Daddy and want him to play with you all the time. You love to pig pile, drive cars or play "Bee Bo" (Hide & Seek) with Daddy whenever he has the chance. Thankfully you've done really well with Daddy going back to work. Mama was a little worried it would really upset you, but you have just gone with the flow.

You are finally getting more of an appetite and you will actually telling me when you are hungry. You've also started getting specific when it comes to what you want to eat. Your favorite right now is definitely peanut butter and jelly. I think you would eat it for every meal. You still aren't big into trying new things, but at least you are eating more than you used to. You are only 26lb though!

Your favorite toys are by far your Cars. Your favorite movies are Cars and Buzz & Woody (Toy Story).

You are still my baby boy even though you're getting bigger. My favorite thing is to get you up in the morning because you'll give me a snuggle and kiss. I don't get too many of those willingly anymore. Mama loves your kisses and hugs...pretty sure I always will too! I'm so excited to see what this year brings for you. You are like a sponge soaking up everything around you and I'm sure my post next year will be filled with all the wonderful things you learned and experienced.

I love you Owen Michael Martin! Happy 3rd Birthday my sugar bear!


  1. How GREAT is our GOD?? Look What HE Hath Wrought!!

    LOVE Your Blog About OWEN, Lou. He IS A Handsome Little MAN, Who Gives us JOY AND Laughter And Love AND an Occasional Kiss to DELIGHT US. May GOD BLESS OWEN MICHAEL MARTIN On His 3rd B-Day, AND ALWAYS!! Love, Dad
