Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jack's Coupe Car

A couple days after Owen's party Aunt Michelle brought over a present for Jack. They were super busy last summer so they weren't able to come to Jack's 1st birthday and give him his present....a coupe car. Cousin Cooper passed his coupe car and the gas pump that goes with it onto Jack. I love hand-me-downs!!!
Jack really liked it and so did Owen and Andy. (Kim and Andy were over so Kim and I could discuss an upcoming craft project. I can't wait to show it off, but it's going to be awhile. I know I'm a teaser!) The McQueen car actually took a backseat to the coupe car for a few days!

The nicest part of this car for mommy is the canopy top...I can actually push Jack around without having to bend over and kill myself.

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