Saturday, January 9, 2010

Owen Speak

The other day it occurred to me I haven't updated on Owen's vocabulary in a long time. He says everything and most of it is perfectly clear, but here are a few of the cute, funny and smart things he's said or done recently.

- The other night we were in the van and it was raining and Owen just pipped up and said, "Mommy cars are taking a bath!" Tonight while we were in the car he said, "Mommy cars are all dry!" As you can wasn't raining out.

- If you ask Owen where the water goes once it goes down the drain he says, "The water treatment plant!"

- Owen knows what red, yellow and green means at a traffic light. He also knows they are called traffic lights and that there aren't any traffic lights on the freeway.

- If you ask Owen, "What are we doing tomorrow?" he almost always says, "Choo choo train Saturday!" because of our trip on the link light rail a few weeks back.

- Tonight the boys and I were playing with their Winnie the Pooh piano and microphone and I was singing Row Row Row Your Boat. I asked Owen to sing and he sang it like this, "Row row row your boat, merrily merrily merrily life is but dream, go to the grocery store, oh no!" We had gone to Fred Meyer earlier in the day so I guess the trip to the store really stuck out in his mind.

- On Tuesday when Kim came over I asked Owen to go into the bathroom and take his pants and undies down and go potty. He's really big into shutting the door now and having "privacy". This time I decided to go in and make sure he actually got his undies down as he's forgotten and peed through them in his potty chair before. When I got into the bathroom he was in the process of pulling his undies down and he so proudly proclaimed, "Oh...there's my penis!"

- Owen is starting to understand opposites a lot especially when it comes to people....Ga-Ga is a girl, Pa is a guy, Daddy has giant ears, Owen has little ears and so on and so forth.

- Owen is also getting really good at his letters and numbers. He acts like he doesn't know them sometimes, but then I'll catch him talking to himself and he's saying the ABC's and counting. Tonight he was in the garage and I heard him count all the way to 13. He also knows how to spell out his name, but he prefers to leave off the 'O' and just shouts 'W - E - N" even though he knows it starts with an 'O'.

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